
Did you make a fitness-based resolution at the start of the year? Many people do. Unfortunately, a lot of people will work toward their goals for a little while and then stop. Don’t let this happen to you! There are ways you can stay on track with your fitness resolutions.

Set Specific Goals

First and foremost, your New Years’ resolutions must be specific. Rather than simply saying that you want to lose weight, decide how much weight you want to lose. On top of that, what will you do to lose that weight? By what date do you want to lose X amount of weight?

Create Realistic Goals

Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. If you go over the top with your fitness resolutions and goals, there is less of a chance of reaching them. Therefore, take into account your current health and physical ability. This will allow you to choose the most appropriate exercises to begin your journey while remaining safe and identifying proper goals. A fitness professional at our gym can help you with this.

Plan for the Obstacles

There will be setbacks along the way. After all, you are trying to change your habits, which can take time. And that’s okay. The key is how you will deal with them, which requires a little bit of pre-planning. Take the time to write down a few hypothetical scenarios you feel you may encounter. For each scenario, describe how you will handle it. For instance, binging on unhealthy food is often a common desire when trying to eat healthier and lose weight, but if you set aside one weekly meal for you to “cheat,” you may find that it makes things easier.

Have Fun

Above all else, have fun! If you aren’t having fun, you will find it that much more difficult to stay on track. Whether you opt for Zumba class because you love dancing or choose to ride your bike on a park trail while listening to your favorite music, make sure you enjoy it. Consider changing your fitness routine every now and then as well, such as trying a new exercise each month. This will keep your workouts fresh.

Ready To Get Started With Your Fitness Resolutions?

Dealing with a hectic schedule? That’s okay. Our Hilltop gym is open 24 hours a day, allowing you to get your workout in when you’re able to. Contact us today or stop by The Sportsplex by Healthcare Express and see how we can help you keep your New Years resolutions!