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CrossFit Kids Now at The Sportsplex

CrossFit Kids Now at The Sportsplex

CrossFit Kids is an exciting and fun way for children to stay active and healthy while developing strength, coordination, and agility. And now, children in Texarkana, Texas, can join in the fun at The Sportsplex. With classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 pm, children can now join in the CrossFit craze with Coach Blake Morgan as their instructor. Coach Morgan comes to The Sportsplex as an experienced baseball coach, athletic trainer, and certified CrossFit coach with a collegiate baseball background.

The Sportsplex is a top-of-the-line sports facility that is known for providing quality training and fitness classes to people of all ages. Now, with the addition of CrossFit Kids, the facility is further expanding its reach by offering a program specifically designed for children.

The CrossFit Kids program is designed to teach children the fundamentals of CrossFit in a safe and fun environment. The classes are designed to challenge kids physically and mentally while also encouraging teamwork and sportsmanship. Blake Morgan is a certified CrossFit instructor and has the experience and knowledge needed to teach children of all ages and skill levels.

During each class, kids will learn how to properly warm up, stretch, and perform functional movements like squats, push-ups, and pull-ups. They will also learn how to safely lift weights and how to properly use gym equipment. The classes are designed to be challenging but also fun, so kids will enjoy their time while getting a great workout.

The benefits of CrossFit Kids are numerous. Kids who participate in the program will develop strength, flexibility, and coordination, which can help them in other sports and physical activities. The program also promotes a healthy lifestyle and can help kids build self-esteem and confidence.

If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to keep your children active and healthy, consider enrolling them in CrossFit Kids at The Sportsplex in Texarkana, Texas.

Self Care: Take Care of You

Self Care: Take Care of You

We are living in crazy times!

With everything going on in today’s world it’s hard to maintain a positive outlook and hope for the future. Issues at the local, state, and national levels threaten our happiness daily. I often find myself questioning if and when it will stop.

So what can we do to offset your worries and fears about these pressing issues?

Physical self-care.

What is physical self-care?

Physical self-care is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that there are multiple benefits, both physical and mental, to adding simple physical activities to our self-care routine. This includes any activities that incorporate bettering and/or maintaining our body’s health and well-being.

Manicures, massages, and facials are some superficial physical self-care activities to partake in. Activities such as these connect us to how our body feels. Although appearance-focused, our feelings about ourselves determine overall health.

Our physical health is also a realization of things going on inside our bodies. Stress takes a major toll on us – and it shows. However, when we take the time to take care of ourselves, we are actively choosing to treat our body like a temple.

Benefits of a positive physical self-care routine include:

-Improved productivity

-Prevention of disease

-Improved energy

-Better life expectancy

-Reduced stress

You Are What You Eat

As the saying goes, what you put into your body affects your total health. Replace bad eating habits with smarter ones. This may take a little work, but it will without a doubt have lasting positive effects.

Walk A Mile In Your Own Shoes

Not only does exercise contribute to an improved physique, it also improves brain function. Endorphins-defined as “chemical signals in the brain that block the perception of pain and increase feelings of wellbeing” – are released during physical activity. In addition, exercise decreases cortisol – a stress-inducing hormone.

When looking for an exercise habit find something that you enjoy doing and will fit into your schedule. There are multiple options you can try – Yoga, Pilates, cycling, weightlifting, or going for a walk are just a few.

5 Reasons CrossFit Is the Best Workout for You

With the best coach, CrossFit can be an incredible workout. The premise of CrossFit is one of bringing individuals of varying shapes and sizes to an improved state of wellness with an exceptionally intense workout, albeit surrounded by an atmosphere of camaraderie.

The training means testing physical strength or a level of conditioning in different areas daily with no designated specialty. Instead, the goal is to establish a sound, functioning whole body. The workout is exceptionally unique from what you would experience with a gym routine.

The coaches tailor the routine to suit the individual’s ability, lifestyle, and health profile. In other words, the fitness routine is set each day for all individuals but scaled or modified according to skill level. 

You’ll progress toward the full program as you grow stronger and more capable. What are the expert-backed benefits of CrossFit, and why is it the best workout for you? Let’s learn.

Why Is CrossFit the Best Workout for You

A primary component of CrossFit that many people find appealing is the camaraderie among members who band together in exceptional inclusivity and support of one another. 

It allows those with feelings of perhaps inadequacy or intimidation about starting a program, which many people feel in the beginning, to instantly find acceptance and become comfortable and ready to move forward. 

And because there’s such a consistency with the routine, you develop the sensation like something is missing if you skip a day. While the suggested protocol is “3 days working to 1-day break,” many people tend to show up more often, finding the experience addictive. 

What would enthusiasts consider to be the “expert-backed” benefits of CrossFit? Let’s look at what most people find favorable about the workout.

  • The camaraderie draws a crowd

Many people appreciate the support and encouragement of the other members. There is no specific age group and no specialty with the program. Anyone of any shape, size, or skill level can join, and everyone within your sector cheers you on. 

It’s a team effort, with the entire group encouraging the other members for optimum personal success. Plus, if you happen to miss a session, everyone notices and will call to find out what’s wrong.

  • The coaches are consistent and supportive

The coaches don’t provide individual training, but they’re also more present than you would find in a gym setting where it’s uncertain if your movements are correct. The coach is available with each session and ready to assist anyone who needs help.

  • You can pace yourself 

Leveling up occurs at your own pace and is relatively easy to monitor since you log the weight you lift along with the number of sets and reps. This allows you to take note of the gradual improvement and steady progression toward the prescribed program.

  • It’s a personal challenge and helps develop fitness and endurance

CrossFit physically challenges the whole body, ultimately developing exceptional muscular endurance and stamina, and creating overall fitness. Not only will you feel your best, but you’ll look good and be prepared to participate in almost any athletic activity.

Final Thoughts

CrossFit is an ideal workout for anyone to get started with, regardless of shape, size, or skill level. The program can be tailored to suit your capabilities and progress at your pace. 

The premise is to encourage a strong, healthy whole body that feels good and is prepared for virtually any physical activity with little chance of being hindered. Plus, you have the added bonus of looking phenomenal.

At the Sportsplex by Healthcare Express, you gain 24/7 access to our gym where you can join more than 100 fitness classes, practice your CrossFit swimming, and get training from our CrossFit professionals.

Tips for Staying on Track With Your Resolutions

Did you make a fitness-based resolution at the start of the year? Many people do. Unfortunately, a lot of people will work toward their goals for a little while and then stop. Don’t let this happen to you! There are ways you can stay on track with your fitness resolutions.

Set Specific Goals

First and foremost, your New Years’ resolutions must be specific. Rather than simply saying that you want to lose weight, decide how much weight you want to lose. On top of that, what will you do to lose that weight? By what date do you want to lose X amount of weight?

Create Realistic Goals

Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. If you go over the top with your fitness resolutions and goals, there is less of a chance of reaching them. Therefore, take into account your current health and physical ability. This will allow you to choose the most appropriate exercises to begin your journey while remaining safe and identifying proper goals. A fitness professional at our gym can help you with this.

Plan for the Obstacles

There will be setbacks along the way. After all, you are trying to change your habits, which can take time. And that’s okay. The key is how you will deal with them, which requires a little bit of pre-planning. Take the time to write down a few hypothetical scenarios you feel you may encounter. For each scenario, describe how you will handle it. For instance, binging on unhealthy food is often a common desire when trying to eat healthier and lose weight, but if you set aside one weekly meal for you to “cheat,” you may find that it makes things easier.

Have Fun

Above all else, have fun! If you aren’t having fun, you will find it that much more difficult to stay on track. Whether you opt for Zumba class because you love dancing or choose to ride your bike on a park trail while listening to your favorite music, make sure you enjoy it. Consider changing your fitness routine every now and then as well, such as trying a new exercise each month. This will keep your workouts fresh.

Ready To Get Started With Your Fitness Resolutions?

Dealing with a hectic schedule? That’s okay. Our Hilltop gym is open 24 hours a day, allowing you to get your workout in when you’re able to. Contact us today or stop by The Sportsplex by Healthcare Express and see how we can help you keep your New Years resolutions!

9 Reasons To Try Personal Training

Exercise sessions can get complicated. Deciding what workout plan to start or what workout to do can be a workout in itself. If you want to exercise more and enhance the quality of your training sessions, consider hiring a personal trainer. Remember that personal trainers aren’t for celebrities, fitness fanatics, or the wealthy alone. 

At Sportsplex by Healthcare Express in Texarkana, TX, we have state-of-the-art equipment, gym facilities, and experienced personal trainers. If you’ve thought about hiring a personal trainer but got stuck on whether it’s worth the expenses, here are the reasons we believe it is. 

1. Education

One of the benefits of a personal trainer is that they can instruct you on all aspects of exercise, fitness, and health. Having a proper understanding of what is expected of you to achieve your fitness goals is incredibly empowering. 

Your trainer can educate you on how nutrition plays a role in your fitness journey, the correct exercise forms, what exercises target which muscles, etc. Being able to turn to your trainer for any questions or concerns you have rather than turning to Google can result in educated, personalized, and detailed answers.    

2. Confidence

Gym sessions can be intimidating. Working with a personal trainer can build your confidence in using machines, navigating the facilities, and performing exercises. After a few sessions, you’ll feel ready to tackle the weights independently. 

Even better, an ego boost during workouts can promote self-efficacy and self-confidence, which can help you stick to your workout program over time.  

3. Accountability

How many times have you planned to go to the gym before work? Only to sleep in late and push your session back even further. Your trainer will hold you accountable for attending your training sessions and working towards your fitness goals. 

This might include giving specific recommendations for your diet and simple workout that you can perform in the comfort of your house. 

4. Healthful 

Exercise can help prevent or manage many chronic conditions like hypertension, heart disease, or diabetes. However, exercising with medical conditions requires extra care. A knowledgeable trainer with experience training clients with chronic conditions can design a plan that ensures your safety and provides a positive workout experience. 

 5. Individual Attention

Everyone is different when it comes to fitness. Your unique body mechanics, goals, experience, likes, dislikes, and fitness levels can guide your trainer in tailoring your personalized training plan. You’ll likely maintain the habits and see results with a plan that fits you. 

6. Realistic Goals

You might plan to run a faster time, jump so many inches higher, or lose a few pounds. Without a structured program on how to get there, the chances of you actualizing your goals are minimal. 

A personal trainer can help assess your fitness level and collaborate with you to set realistic goals and map out how you can attain those goals. 

7. Flexibility

You might have a busy and hectic life, but working with a personal trainer helps you schedule your workout sessions appropriately. Whether you’re a morning, lunch, or evening-time gym-goer, your trainer will work with you at your best schedule.  

8. Better Results

Goal setting, individualized workout plans, and personal motivation can lead to one thing: better results. There are hundreds of workout programs that you might find online. However, hiring a personal trainer is the most effective way to ensure you achieve the best results! 

9. Fun

Believe it or not, workout sessions can be enjoyable. A savvy personal trainer makes exercises both fun and effective. Buddy or group training can be a great way to make exercise social, increase enjoyment, and attain the services of a trainer at an affordable cost. Working with a trainer you respect and like is enough to give you more gratification from your exercise sessions. 

Personal Training at The Sportsplex by Healthcare Express in Texarkana, TX

Personal training has attainable and endless benefits no matter where you’re in your fitness journey. At Sportsplex by Healthcare Express in Texarkana, TX, our trainers want you to come as you are and will assist you from there. So, stop overthinking about personal training and do it now. Contact us today to discuss further details. We look forward to exercising with you soon! 

The Benefits of Group Fitness and Why You Should Try It In 2023

Group fitness is something everyone should consider if they want to be healthy and happy. These are some excellent reasons to consider taking group fitness classes and getting into a routine. 

They Will Motivate You 

The motivation factor is the number one reason to get involved in group fitness sessions. Something about having other people around you makes you more motivated to reach your common goal. Thus, you may want to consider signing up because of the tremendous amount of push it will give you to succeed. Maybe you can ask a few friends to sign up with you. Your family members may also be interested in doing so. 

You Get the Opportunity To Form Bonds

Sharing a fitness improvement experience can help you build new relationships or make existing ones stronger. You should welcome any opportunity to do so. 

You’ll Experience a Common Goal Factor

You and the other participants will be working toward a common goal, and you’ll be happy to do so. People tend to strive harder when they are working with several other people to achieve something. 

Money Saving

You and the other participants might be able to save money on a group discount if you sign up for the gym activities together. You may also be able to save some money on gas by carpooling. 


Not only will you get a full social experience by going to classes with your friends, but you will also meet other people. You may even form some brand new friendships you never thought were possible through this fitness class. 

Learn New Things

Signing up for one class may lead you to many other classes. You might learn of a new technique for getting yourself fit and trim in an exciting way. Therefore, your group sessions might be the gateway to finding even more ways to stay in shape and change your life. There are many more benefits to group fitness sessions. In fact, the list is so extensively long that you won’t find all the advantages here. You will see them when you have your experience at the gym, however. 

Now you know some of the best reasons to get involved in a group fitness class. The only thing left for you to do is to sign up. You can do that at The Sportsplex by Healthcare Express. They offer an extensive list of fitness classes you can join with some of your most motivated friends. Contact them today for more information on upcoming classes for your health and fitness needs. 

Why Youth Athletes Need Athletic Trainers

You shouldn’t hesitate to get your budding athlete the athletic training they deserve. The benefits of getting your child into a training program when they are young can be amazing and invaluable.

Continue reading to learn why young athletes need trainers at XLR8 Athletix for their long-term safety and to get the results they want.

What Grades Benefit From Athletic Trainers?

An active lifestyle and regular exercise should be part of every person’s health goals. Young athletes who are interested in more than just basic sports participation can begin their training as soon as the first grade! 

For older athletes who need collegiate or pro training, XLR8 Athletix training is dedicated to helping your child succeed. You can decide on 1-on-1 personal training or small group training. 

Each athlete will have their own program tailored to their:

  • Needs
  • Goals
  • Limitations

This well-rounded personal program gives youth athletes the support and skill they can take with them into competition. Training can also be helpful throughout your child’s daily life.

Athletic Trainers Keep Kids Safe and Skilled

Providing your young athlete with training at any age helps them enjoy being active and working towards their personal athletic goals. It can also save you money in the long run.

Here’s how having an athletic trainer work with your young athlete:

  • Proper technique and form can be taught to help reduce the chance of injury. Keeping them aware of how they perform and their sport’s impact on their body helps keep them safe. This means a lower chance of sprains, tears, breaks, and even concussions. 
  • An athlete must take the time to warm up and cool down before and after exercise. A trainer can help your child to learn the correct way to help their body get what it needs after exercising at the gym, on the field, or at home. Warming up and cooling down the right way every time can prevent common injuries.
  • No matter what sport your child plays, coordination is an essential skill for any child to master. An athletic trainer can help your young one move correctly, improve balance, and improve overall coordination.
  • When a person performs well, they tend to feel better about themselves. Training provides that foundation for better self-esteem with encouragement and skill development. 
  • An athletic trainer not only works with your athlete in the gym, but they also promote and support a healthy lifestyle. From nutrition to daily exercise, the right trainer can motivate healthier habits in and out of the gym.
  • Your child’s trainer knows that their physical strength has to be supported by mental strength. Sports on any level are competitive. When the mind has the strength to support the physical demands of an athlete’s performance, the results can be powerful.

Training for any athlete can create a newfound love and enjoyment of any sport. Everyone wins when your child has the tools to help them safely reach their goals and dreams.

Your Young Athlete Deserves the Best

The best thing you can do for your young athlete is to get them the skills they need to stay active, competitive, and safe. The youth training at XLR8 Athletix in Texarkana, TX, gives you that and more.

Training isn’t just for success in school sports. The training provided by XLR8 Athletix helps young athletes create healthy habits that last a lifetime. So call them at 903-838-4697 to get your athlete on the track to safety and success. 

The 2nd Annual Best Chili in Texarkana Chili Cookoff

It’s chili eating season and the Sportsplex by Healthcare Express is hosting it’s second annual The Best Chili in Texarkana Chili Cook-Off on February 5th from 12 pm to 3 pm. The event will be held on the campus of The Sportsplex at 5610 Richmond Road in Texarkana, Texas.

“The Best Chili in Texarkana cookoff is a fun afternoon of food, community, and a healthy dose of competition,” said Jordan Creutz of the Sportsplex. “We aim to host at least 20 contestants to serve their prized chili recipes to our judges and taste testers and compete for a $300 grand prize.”

Join the competition! Entries are $25 and spaces are limited. Visit hcesportsplex.com/chili (LINK) and purchase a ticket as a competitor to reserve your space. A $300 grand prize will be awarded to the entry voted the best chili!
Taste testers are also invited to come and sample some of the best chili Texarkana has to offer. General admission tickets are on sale now for only $5 per ticket and you’ll get to sample from each of our contestants’ amazing chili. Please hcesportsplex.com/chili (LINK) to reserve your tickets.

This year’s proceeds will be benefitting the Texas Association of First Responders. For those unable to attend, donations for this cause are also being accepted online.

Take the first step Now

6 + 12 =

3 Things Your Personal Trainer Wants YOU to know!

3 Things Your Personal Trainer Wants YOU to know!

1: Find Your Why

Your “why should be the thing that drives you to achieve your fitness goals.

Your WHY is your purpose, cause, or fundamental belief. It’s the driving force behind all that you do. Your HOWs are the actions you take when you’re at your best, to bring your WHY to life. Your WHATs are the jobs you perform or the products/services you deliver.

The why that gets you out of bed and in that car and gets you in the gym. It must invoke an emotion: a very strong emotion within you that carries you through the day when your mind is telling you to quit.

Your why must be your driving factor. Know the difference between a WHAT and a WHY. You may want to lose weight, and that is WHAT you are going to do; BUT WHY do you want to lose weight? This will be what drives you when your mind is telling you to quit.”

For example, “I want to lose weight. WHY? So that I can play on the floor with my grandkids and not worry about pain or an inability to get back up.”

That is a why. The why is because YOU want to play with YOUR grandkids. In the end, your goals and aspirations need to be about you and for you. This is your life, so be honest with yourself about WHY you want to do something.”

Nobody else can tell you what your why is.

We are here to provide accountability and motivation, but at the end of the day, YOU HAVE TO WANT IT. Our Trainers can give you the best workout and nutrition guidance, but only you have the power to put in the work every day to change your life.

 A personal trainer is proven to optimize and help you get the best value of your gym membership.

Personal trainers not only reduce the chance of injury by encouraging proper form and techniques but also ensure you are taking the right steps towards your specific fitness goals.

When searching for your why it may help to unplug from technology, open your heart, and ask yourself again.

2: Consistency Compunds Your Results

Lack of consistency is easily one of the most relatable struggles on your fitness journey.

Consistency is a factor that compounds your results. If you’re disciplined enough to create a habit, you’ll see massive rewards in the future. By sticking with your plan and holding yourself accountable you can allow your effort to compound with consistency.

 It’s normal to feel uncomfortable when you’re beginning your fitness journey.

Comfortability is one of the reasons people develop health conditions in the first place. It is comfortable to eat cheeseburgers and drink beer every night. It is comfortable to grab a quick fast-food meal instead of taking the time to meal prep or cook yourself a healthy dinner.

Consistency is important is because your comfort zone will begin to expand as the days compound. As you stay consistent in the gym, you will begin to learn more about the exercises you’re doing, how certain movements feel, and how different amounts of weight feel.

This feeling of COMFORT in your ABILITY to execute weighted movements will grow into confidence in your understanding and knowledge of what works for you. You will find your “niche”.

3: Nutrition

Fitness is 80% about what you put in your mouth.

The choices you make and the things you do outside the gym have a direct impact on your fitness journey.

So many of us have fallen victim to starting out strong and excited about a new thing, only to get fed up and discouraged later. We go to the gym day after day but are only seeing mediocre results. Then we get demoralized and start caving to unhealthy eating habits. Eventually, we lose the consistency of daily effort and then give up completely.

 So how do we avoid that? You must be disciplined. Keeping that WHY in the front of your mind will help with this.

If you are disciplined and committed to the plan you laid out for yourself, you will have created a habit of eating healthy and it will become a part of your everyday life.

As with everything in life, starting is the hardest part. You will be uncomfortable for a little bit, but once it becomes a part of your life, it won’t seem as difficult as it did when you first began.

 Our personal trainers are certified and able to create a nutrition plan for you to stay consistent.

Take the first step Now

5 + 14 =

Fitness is a lifestyle,
Not a hobby

Staffed Hours: 6:30 am - 10:00 pm

Pool Hours: 6:30 am - 6:00 pm or Dark

24-Hour Gym Access Available Everyday

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